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Border Boosters Square and Round Dance Association
Association pour la Promotion des Danses Ronde et Carrée


What is B.B.S. & R.D.A.?

The Association, once known as "Border Booster Square Dance Association" was born in the basement of a caller in February 1967. Charter member clubs consisted of:

  • North Country Squares
  • The Funtimers
  • The Jet Sets
  • Seaway Swingers
  • Circle & Squares
  • The Merry Mohicans

The main purpose of the Association was to promote all phases of square dancing in the Lake Champlain and St. Lawrence Seaway area.

The Association expanded from the 6 original clubs of 1967 to 16 in the late 60's, then 23 by 1972, reaching 30 clubs in 1976. In 1993, we numbered 40 Square & Round dance clubs in Canada and the United States. In 2003 we numbered 20 square and round dance clubs.  in 2018 we had 10 square dance clubs under the BBS&RDA banner, 7 in Québec, 2 in Ontario and 1 in New York. Today in 2023, only 7 square dance clubs are left.

By the mid 1970's a "New Dancers' Jamboree" was instituted, bringing the new graduates in contact with other club members and giving them the opportunity to be exposed to other callers. This "Spring Jamboree" has always taken place on the first weekend in May and may now include dancing at all levels. In 2013, it has been renamed "Allan Marjerison Spring Jamboree" to honour the memory of Mr Allan Marjerison, a pioneer of square dancing in the association, who passed away in 2013 at 98. The BBSRDA "Fall Festival" was also introduced then and is held annually at the end of October.

During its short life, the Association has grown to include Round Dance Clubs, another type of dancing which has attracted a large number of participants. We now have some dual dance clubs which enjoy both Square and Round dancing. With the advent of Round dancing, the Association changed it's name from Border Boosters Square Dance Association to Border Boosters Square & Round Dance Association.

Over the course of years, many changes and additions have taken place within the Association. For example:

  • "Banner Napping" was introduced to promote inter club visiting.
  • "Annual Dance Schedule" listing all the BBSRDA affiliated clubs, locations, callers/cuers and schedules.
            Also includes a listing of the Association Executive Committee members.
  • A "Web Site" was created: or

This is but a short historical insight into the Association.

BBSRDA is constantly striving to improve the quality of Square and Round dancing for its membership.